RUB » AIRUB » Chair of Astronomy » Instruments

instruments / astro-informatics


We are involved in several projects in optical/IR instrumentation, especially in the area of instrument control software, where we are responsible for LUCI instruments at the 2x8.4m Large Binocular Telescope in Arizona.

Other instrumentation we were/are involved in are 3D-NTT and OMEGACAM.

We also manage the Jülich LOFAR station, one of the currently 5 international LOFAR stations located in Germany.

Small instrumentation projects, like building a small imaging telescope for low surface brightness emission structures, are conducted in-house.

As a partner of the University of Göttingen we are part of the MONET project and use the two 1.2m remote-control telescopes for research, teaching, and outreach.


This stands for a relatively new concept of interdisciplinary research in astronomy and computer science.

In cooperation with other astronomers and computer scientists we adapt and apply modern machine learning techniques to solve data-intensive-problems in astronomy.

Current members:
Alexander Becker, Björn Kleemann, Dominik Bomans, Ralf-Jürgen Dettmar