RUB » AIRUB » Chair of Astronomy » Master's theses

Topics for Bachelor's/Master's Theses

Here you can find suggestions for topics for Bachelor's or Master's Theses. Additional topics can of course be discussed (see contact information further down on this page).

Priv.-Doz. Dr. Dominik Bomans & Dr. Kerstin Weis

Observation of diffuse ionized gas

Search for ionized gas halos in the early universe

Radio continuum emission of clumpy spiral galaxies at redshift z~0.5

Correlation of stellar matter and dark matter in nearby dwarf galaxies

Quasar spectra as an indicator for gas halos in nearby galaxies

10^6 K gas in the Halo of our Milky Way

Low-mass Lyman Break Galaxies in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field

Stellar Transients at low Metallicity

The Surroundings of LBV Stars in M31 and M33

Long-term Variability of Massive Stars in nearby Galaxies

Stellar Populations in the Globular Clusters M22 and NGC 4833

Dissolution of Dwarf Galaxies

Galaxies with extremely low surface brightness

Contact information:

Priv.-Doz. Dr. Dominik Bomans
GAFO 03/973
Phone: 0234/32-22335

Prof. Dr. Ralf-Jürgen Dettmar

Contact information:

Prof. Dr. Ralf-Jürgen Dettmar
GAFO 03/964
Phone: 0234/32-23454